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            1. ALGINATE INDUSTRY
            2. SUGAR ALCOHOL
            3. Bright moon seaweed group focuses on the high-value development and application of seaweed resources, and owns six blue manufacturing sectors including alginate, functional sugar alcohol, Marine cosmetics, Marine functional food, Marine biological medical materials, Marine biological fertilizer, and "Marine lifestyle" health chain service sectors.

            4. MARINE FUNCTIONAL
              FOOD INDUSTRY
            5. MARINE COSMETICS
            6. ALGINATE INDUSTRY
              Natural food ingredients extracted from brown algae have many properties, such as thickening, suspension, emulsifying, water retention, gel, etc., which can be widely used in food, medicine, medical materials, cosmetics, textile printing and dyeing, edible packaging materials and other industries.
            7. MARINE BIOLOGICAL
            8. MARINE BIOLOGICAL
            9. About BMSG
              > Introduction
              > Corporate Philosophy
              > Diversified Industry
              Walk into Bright Moon
              > Certification and Audit
              > R&D
              > Letter Patent
              > Back to Home Page
              > Alginate
              > Sugar Alcohol
              Tel: 400-880-7699
              E-mail: service@bmsg.com
              Add: No. 777, bright moon Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China
              Bright Moon Seaweed Group © 2018
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